OLEA® T222 - FPCU (4)

OLEA® T222 contains two ADC Group Managers (ADCGM). Each ADCGM controls 4 ADC macro cells.

OLEA® T222 is capable to performs up to 8 parallel acquisitions at 2 Mbits/s.

Category: OLEA® T222 - FPCU

A mathematical accelerator is a module which allows to compute square root, division and performs trigonometric functions.
In addition, this module embeds an MCR (Matrix–multiplication/Cordic/Regulator) which has been designed to perform 3
types of computation which can be chained:
• M: Matrix multiplication (Ai*Bi+Aj*Bj…)
• C: Cordic algorithm for trigonometric operations
• R: Regulator of type PID (Proportional/Integral/Derivative)

The OLEA® LIB – T222 MATH provides the user an access to these hardware mathematical accelerators

Category: OLEA® T222 - FPCU

Yes, The FLU can be directly connected to an I/O. The Simulink blocks “FLU IO P_IN” and “FLU IO P_OUT” provided by the Target Library enable the user to interface a FLU IO pin directly with its algorithm also mapped into the FLU.


Category: OLEA® T222 - FPCU

Calibration parameters of the Flexible Logic Unit (FLU) are stored inside the DPRAM.

Use the genertaed file ram_logger.csv  to get the offset address of the parameters you want to change e.g. Ki and Kp.

Open a memory window at address 0x60000000 (base address of the DPRAM) in your debugger and change the Ki and Kp as wanted.

Then in the APB FLU slave, in register CR set the bit 2 for the calibration to be applied on the FLU algorithm: Open a memory window at address 0xC4074000 and write at offset 0x60 the value 0x4.

Category: OLEA® T222 - FPCU